Friday, December 16, 2011


The Forum for Governance and Justice (FGJ) is disturbed but not surprised to learn that a substance alleged to be cocaine, confirmed by the police to be cocaine, later turned out to be sodium carbonate in a case heard at an Accra Circuit Court. The Forum believes that this case is yet another example of a corrupt justice delivery system that needs a massive overhaul.

However, the Forum welcomes the outrage expressed by the good people of Ghana in reaction to this disgraceful display of corrupt and unprofessional conduct by those in the business of law enforcement and justice delivery. We believe this development will rally the people in support of our call for serious efforts to clean up the sordid nature of justice delivery in Ghana.

Indeed, to say that all Ghanaians should be worried about the nature of justice delivery in Ghana is an understatement, especially so when it involves the fight against the drug trade; how could cocaine in the custody of the police and court officials turn into sodium bicarbonate? We must all be worried because these are the acts capable of turning Ghana into a narco-state like Mexico.

While the Forum welcomes the actions initiated by the police, the government and the office of the Chief Justice to find out what happened and to provide answers to the people of Ghana, it is our hope that those found culpable in this shameful act; judges, lawyers, prosecutors, police, court registrars, court clarks, will be made to face the full force of the law.

We must state however that, this case, in as much as it has captured national attention, is but only one example of the very sorry state of justice delivery in Ghana. We again wish to call for bold action by stakeholders in the business of justice delivery; the GBA, Office of the Chief Justice, the Ghana Judicial Service, the Attorney Generals Office, the Ghana Police Service and the Judicial Council of Ghana, to end these sorts of disgraceful acts.

Clearly, the Forum feels vindicated for its stand and position that the justice delivery system in Ghana is corrupt and is increasing worrisome for the future of our democracy and our nation.

Dr. Clement A. Apaak
Convener, Forum for Governance and Justice - Ghana

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