Wednesday, May 11, 2011

CAFAC’s refutes Fraud Alert Claim by FPACC

CAFAC’s Press Release to refute Fraud Alert Claim by FPACC

CAFAC Ghana Limited wishes to move swiftly to vehemently discount claims by the FPACC (a Ghanaian entity) that CAFAC (also a registered entity in Ghana) is a fraudulent organization. The basis of the claim put out by FPACC is that some of the names associated with CAFAC claim to be members of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners when in fact they are not.

To combat this FPACC claim, CAFAC wishes to state in categorical terms that the founders of CAFAC -Hector O. Boham and Sam Rockson Asamoah are full- fledged bona fide paid up members of the ACFE. Hector O. Boham is a Certified Fraud Examiner with membership #52048 and Sam Rockson Asamoah is a Faculty /Educator member with membership # 586492

Trony Clifton is a faculty member who was not an ACFE member at the time of CAFAC’s 1st press release. Trony was working on his membership of the ACFE and unlike the typical African professional who never admits a mistake we at CAFAC admit that an honest mistake was made. It was a typo by our web designers and when it was discovered it was not repeated in all subsequent material contents put out for public consumption. CAFAC’s web site for example has Trony’s correct credentials which are CPA, CISA, CISM, CSEIGT, and CSIR. In the half page advertisement we took out in the Daily Graphic on April 26, 2011, Trony’s correct credentials were clearly stated.

Trony himself is not required to have the CFE designation because his area of specialization is Information Technology audits and controls. However he has always expressed the desire to gain that designation. Therefore, he took advantage of the actions of FPACC to consummate his ACFE membership. Trony’s membership number is 607047

It will be presumptuous on our part to conclude definitively that the actions of FPACC were motivated by malice and in fact we can go as far as to say that in a strange sort of way their actions may have been a mixed blessing for us-in so far as it hastened the finalization of Trony’s ACFE membership.

From the cumulative force of the above, we wish to submit to FPACC to cease and desist from any publication that seeks to suggest that CAFAC is a fraudulent organization. We request a complete retraction of their press release and fraud alerts about CAFAC from their website and from any other publication that such press release has been sent to. Please note that the FPACC is not a Ghana government entity to suggest that CAFAC is a fraudulent organization. The only entity in Ghana that can do that is the Registrar General’s Department. FPACC, therefore, cannot take the law into its own hands and warn that the general public be (weary as initially stated in their press release) of CAFAC. We believe they meant to say be “wary of”. We know that it is not unusual for some people or bodies in Ghana to take the law into their own hands and act as if they are the masters of all that they survey. It may be prudent to ask about what the FPACC has done to train hungry Ghanaian professionals who want to seek knowledge to qualify for the CFE designation, except to promise them of non-existent jobs.

We at CAFAC are very much unlike your typical African professional who is selfish, greedy, corrupt, a cheat and a thief, fault-finding, pull-him-down (PHD), who does not help others, wants to amass all wealth for himself so that he can lord it over all others and make the rest of society poor, oppressors, never admitting his mistake, always right, always perfect and the list goes on. To the contrary we believe in collaboration and we believe strongly that the fight against fraud and corruption in Ghana and for that matter the whole of Africa requires all hands on deck. In fact that is the very message on the very 1st page of our website.

We at this time wish to extend an olive branch to FPACC and for that matter any other organization that is serious about stamping out corruption in our dear country. “Join us or we join you - the sequence is inconsequential.” This is not the time for back biting, witch hunting and fishing expeditions - nor is it the time for “one up-manship.” We believe no one organization should think that it has all the answers in this fight. This is a fight that must be fought and won together. And when final victory is won the winner will not be the organizations and institutions fighting the war but the people for whom the battle is being fought.

Finally CAFAC sincerely believes that fighting fraud and corruption is not a “zero-sum game” where there are winners and losers. And especially on the side of those of us who are waging the war- we are all winners. Even those we are waging the war against will become winners if they heed our message and change their ways. In the end it is society that wins and when society wins we all win.

Thank you very much for your time.

Respectfully submitted

Hector O. Boham and Sam Rockson Asamoah (Co-Founders of CAFAC Ghana Ltd)

Distributed to:
Ghana News Agency
Modern Ghana and out of respect and decency to FPACC

Source: CAFAC

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